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Love And Marriage
Attire Of The Bride
332. If you try on your wedding dress before the ceremony, you will not be happy. Cambridge, Mass. 333. The bride should wear a borrowed garter, and also a yellow garter. Boston, Mass. 334. If a bride wear a yellow garter t...
327. If you are a bridesmaid three times you will never stand in the middle. Baldwinsville, N.Y. 328. Three times a bridesmaid, never a bride. New England. 329. Don't let another person put on your engagement ring, taken fr...
303. A Halloween custom is to fill a tub with water and drop into it as many apples as there are young folks to try the trick. Then each one must kneel before the tub and try to bite the apples without touching them with the hands. The one who bites...
Lucky Days
345. Marry in Lent, Live to repent. New York. 346. The day after a wedding is called the bride's day, the next day the groom's day; the condition of the weather on these days will indicate whether their lives are to be happy o...
The Marriage Ceremony
351. Happy is the bride that the sun shines on. Northern Ohio. 352. If it rains on the wedding, the bride will cry all her married life. Talladega, Ala. 353. To marry in a storm betokens an unhappy life. Peabody, ...