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174. Kiss the baby when nine days old, and the first gentleman you kiss
afterward will be your future husband.
New England.
Attire Of The Bride
1271. If a child in eating an apple merely girdles it and leaves the apple good at stem and below, it indicates that he will be a poor man; the saying is, a poor man's core. 1272. It is unlucky to turn back after starting to go anywhere. To avert ...
795. Green glass beads worn about the neck will prevent or cure erysipelas. Chestertown, Md. 796. Gold beads were formerly a protection against the King's Evil (scrofula), and nearly every maiden and matron wore ample strings of beauti...
463. To dream of cod or caplin is a sign of rain[TN-3] Newfoundland. 464. To dream of a good catch of fish is a sign of rain. Heart's Content, N.F. 465. To dream of catching fish is good luck. Prince Edward Island...
1376. If you mend your apron or dress while on you, some one will lie about you. Maine and Alabama. 1377. As many stitches as you take (in mending a garment while wearing it), so many lies will be told about you. New Hampshir...
166. When eating an apple, snap it with the fingers and name it for a person of the opposite sex. Count the fully developed seeds (all of the others are kisses), and the last one must correspond to the following formula:-- One's my love, ...
164. Eat an apple at midnight before the glass, saying,-- Whoever my true love may be, Come and eat this apple with me, holding the lamp in the hand. The true love will appear. Winn, Me. 165. Throw a whole apple-paring ...
60. A child to whom is told any story which he considers remarkable will usually reply by an expression of skepticism, such as: Really and truly? Honestly? Earnest, now? or, You are fooling. The first speaker answers by some formula or asseveration,...
Attire Of The Bride
332. If you try on your wedding dress before the ceremony, you will not be happy. Cambridge, Mass. 333. The bride should wear a borrowed garter, and also a yellow garter. Boston, Mass. 334. If a bride wear a yellow garter t...
174. Kiss the baby when nine days old, and the first gentleman you kiss afterward will be your future husband. New England. ...
1. The bairn that is born on fair Sunday Is bonny and loving, and blithe and gay. Monday's bairn is fair in the face, Tuesday's bairn is full of grace, Wednesday's bairn is loving and giving, Thursday's bairn wor...
7. If a child cries during baptism, it is the devil going out of it. Niagara Falls, Ont. 8. It is lucky for the child to cry at baptism, but unlucky for the godmother to wear mourning. 9. If twins are brought to baptism at the same ti...
101. If a person is very handsome, it is a sign that he will have one of the infectious diseases of childhood (measles, whooping cough, etc.) more than once. Massachusetts. ...
175. Go upstairs backward, into a chamber backward, and into bed backward. Drink some salt and water, and if you dream of some one bringing you drink it will be your future husband. Maine and Salem, Mass. 176. The first time two girls s...
183. Read the third verse of the third chapter of Hosea, Joel, and Amos for three Sundays in succession, and the first gentleman you walk with you will marry. Nashua, N.H. 184. Put the end of a key in the Bible, on the verse of Solomon'...
185. When you see a turkey-buzzard flying alone, repeat,-- Hail! Hail! Lonely, lonesome turkey-buzzard: Hail to the East, hail to the West, Hail to the one that I love best. Let me know by the flap of your wing Whet...
Bodily Affections
1340. If the right cheek burns, some one is speaking well of you; if the left, they are speaking ill of you; if both, they speak well and ill at once. Moisten the finger in the mouth and touch it to the cheek, naming those whom you suspect; the one ...
187. The coming husband is determined by repeating the following words, touching each button of the coat, vest, or dress in order:-- Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief. Doctor, lawyer, Indian chief. Or, Doctor, law...
608. At cards, if your luck is poor, walk round your chair three times, lift it, sit down, and your luck is assured. General in the United States. 609. At cards, it is bad luck to play against the grain of the table. General i...
872. Blood from the warts on a cow's bag coming in contact with a person's hands will cause warts to appear on them. New Hampshire. 873. Blood from a wart, especially if applied to the tongue, will cause warts to appear. New ...
To stump another boy to do a thing is considered as putting a certain obligation on him to perform the action indicated. The phrase is sometimes used, although the person giving the stump may not himself be able to accomplish the feat. 74. We use...