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Physical Characteristics
101. If a person is very handsome, it is a sign that he will have one of the infectious diseases of childhood (measles, whooping cough, etc.) more than once. Massachusetts. ...
102. Dimple in chin. Devil within. Chestertown, Md. 103. A dimple in the chin is lucky. Some say it shows you're no fool. 104. A dimple is the mark left by the angel's finger in turning up the face to kiss it when asleep. ...
105. Small ears indicate that a person is stingy. Large ones show that he is generous. General. 106. Large ears are a mark of a liar. Small ears show that one is truthful. Boston, Mass. 107. Long, slim ears are a sign that ...
Eyes And Eyebrows
109. Hazel eyes betoken a good disposition. Boston, Mass. 110. If your eyebrows meet, you will be rich. Somerville and Bedford, Mass. 111. A well-known children's rhyme runs:-- Blue-eye beauty, do your mammy's duty!...
115. Always keep your nails clean and you will be rich. Peabody, Mass. 116. A white spot in the nail, when it comes, means a present. You get the present when it grows to the end and is cut. Boston, Mass. 117. White spots o...
120. If your instep is high enough to have water flow under it, you are of good descent. Brookline, Mass. 121. A mole on the sole of the left foot means trouble and hardships during life. Boston, Mass. ...
122. If there is a blue vein in the child's forehead extending down upon the nose, it is one of the surest signs of early death. Maine and Massachusetts. 123. Vertical wrinkles in the brow show the number of husbands one will have. Hori...
124. Coarse hair indicates good nature; fine hair quick temper. Northern Ohio. 125. Red hair indicates a spit-fire. Massachusetts and Chestertown, Md. 126. Beware of that man, Be he friend or brother, Whose ...
138. A straight line in the palm of the hand is an omen of early death. Massachusetts. 139. The letter formed by the veins on the inside of the wrist is the initial of the name of the future husband or wife. St. John, N.B. ...
148. A mole on the eyebrow denotes that one will be hanged. On the ear it denotes that he will be drowned. Chestertown, Md. 149. Mole above breath Means wealth. 150. Moles on the neck, Money by the peck. Pri...
156. A vein across the nose is an omen of short life. General in the United States. ...
94. When a child loses a tooth, if the tongue is not put into the cavity a gold tooth will come in place of it. New York and Northern Ohio. 95. The ideas of children about the significance of color are mixed. Thus in croquet no child (i...