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156. A vein across the nose is an omen of short life.
General in the United States.
Meteorological Phenomena
538. To dream of walking through snow means sickness. St. John, N.B. 539. To dream of a snowstorm is a sign of the speedy death of a relative. South Framingham, Mass. 540. To dream of snow in spring (May) is a sign of a good...
245. Go out at midnight and walk around a peach-tree, repeating,-- Low for a foreigner, Bark for a near one, Crow for a farmer, Screek, tree, screek, if I'm to die first. Quaker Neck, Md. 246. Eat an apple at...
569. To dream of raw meat is a sign of ill luck. 570. To dream of eating meat is a sign of sickness. Boston. 571. To see while asleep fresh meats of any kind is a warning of death. Alabama. 572. To dream of blood is a sig...
663. If two persons shake hands across the gate, they are bringing on themselves ill luck. Alabama. 664. It is unlucky to pass under a ladder. Canada. 665. Go under a ladder and you will be hanged. 666. Walking under a l...
844. It is believed that piercing the ear will cure weak eyes or strengthen the eyes. It is often done to children for this purpose. Northern Ohio. 845. To cure hiccoughs repeat in one breath the words,-- There was an old woman ...
148. A mole on the eyebrow denotes that one will be hanged. On the ear it denotes that he will be drowned. Chestertown, Md. 149. Mole above breath Means wealth. 150. Moles on the neck, Money by the peck. Pri...
714. A group of bubbles on a cup of coffee signifies money. United States. 715. A mass of bubbles floating on a cup of coffee signifies that money is coming to one. If he can take up the bubbles on his spoon, it indicates that he will...
Money And Metals
543. To dream of silver money is a sign of sickness. 544. To dream of small change (money) is bad luck. Newfoundland. 545. To dream of gold or silver is good luck; of paper is bad. Boston, Mass. 546. If you dream of gold,...
990. When the moon is on the back, it denotes weather wet or mild; when on the end, it denotes frost. Newfoundland. 991. Should the new moon lie on its back, it is a sign it will be dry that month, for the moon would hold water. The Ind...
1110. Some say you can see the man's axe and dog in the moon. New Brunswick. 1111. If the moon shines in your face as you lie in the bed at night, you'll die inside of a year. Central Maine. 1112. It is a general belief tha...
Morturary Custom
1240. If salt water pigeons' feathers are in a bed, the sick person on it will not die easily. Newfoundland. 1241. In old colonial burying-grounds--in Plymouth, Concord, Cambridge, and Rutland, Mass.--the graves are so placed that the...
81. The stars are angels' eyes. Westminster, Mass. 82. The stars are holes made in the sky, so that the light of heaven shines through. I remember, as a child, that this idea was suggested to me on seeing the effect of holes in the lamp...
156. A vein across the nose is an omen of short life. General in the United States. ...
10. An open hand in a baby is a sign of a generous disposition, but a habit of closing the fingers indicates avarice, or, as we say, closefistedness. Cambridge, Mass. 11. If a child favors its father, it is good luck for it. It will get...
637. See a pin and pick it up, All the day you'll have good luck; See a pin and pass it by (or let it lie), All the day your luck will fly. Eastern Massachusetts. 638. See a pin and pick it up, All the day yo...
248. Take beans in the hand, go out of doors and throw them against the window. The first man's name that you hear spoken is the name of the man you will marry. Connecticut. 249. Put three raw beans in your mouth, go out of doors, stand...
89. An eyewinker placed in the palm of the hand will cause the ferule to break when the teacher strikes the palm with it. Portsmouth, N.H. 90. Pine tar or pitch in the hand will prevent the blows of the ferule from causing pain. (Portsm...
1003. A load of barrels foretells wet weather. Eastern Massachusetts. 1004. When the Brothers (Catholic theological students) turn out in a procession it will rain soon. Baltimore, Md. 1005. When a great many women are seen...
263. Suspend a ring by a hair from the finger. Let it swing over a tumbler. The number of strokes against the side of the tumbler indicates the number of years of age of the future husband. Prince Edward Island. 264. Hang a gold ring ov...
644. It is unlucky to pass salt across the table. 645. Spilling salt is unlucky; throw some over your left shoulder, or burn a pinch to avert ill luck. Northern Ohio. 646. It is bad luck to spill salt unless it is burned. V...
91. At croquet, if your ball was about to be sent flying, the safeguard was to draw an imaginary X with your mallet, saying, Criss cross. It made your enemy's foot slip, and many a girl would get mad and not play, if you did it often. Bro...
267. If you look at a bright star intently before retiring, you will dream of your sweetheart. Alabama. 268. Count nine stars for nine successive nights. (If a rainy or cloudy night intervene, the charm is broken, and the project must b...
650. If the broom is moved with the rest of the household furniture, you will not be successful. The broom should be burned while standing in the corner, being watched meanwhile, to prevent the house from taking fire. 651. Never sweep the floor af...
273. After drinking tea, turn the cup upside down, whirl it round three times, set it down in the saucer, whirl again, take it up, turn right side up, and look at the grounds. If all are settled in the bottom of the cup, you will be married right of...