10. An open hand in a baby is a sign of a generous disposition, but a
habit of closing the fingers indicates avarice, or, as we say,
Cambridge, Mass.
11. If a child favors its father, it is good luck for it. It will get
on well in the world.
Salem, Mass.
12. A baby that has two crowns will live in two continents or kingdoms.
13. A double crown on the head means that the owner will break bread in
two kingdoms.
Northern Ohio.
14. Two crowns will never be satisfied. This is a sign of a very
changeable disposition.
Chestertown, Md.
15. A baby born with a veil over its face has good luck.
16. A child born with a veil over its face will never be drowned. Many
sailors are known to wear the caul, with which they were born, about the
person as a charm against death by drowning.
Sailor's superstition.